Common nginx commands

sudo /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -t ls /opt/nginx/logs/

How to deploy rails 5 app with capistrano

How to change android-minSdkVersion or android api level in ionic app

Update `config.xml` in your project root. I changed from `19` to `21`. ``` <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="21" /> ```

Android USB Debugging over wifi in ubuntu 16.04

1. Enable usb debugging in Android. (I am using kitkat) 2. connect phone with usb. In notification you will see: "USb Debugging Connected". 3. Open terminal and run: `adb devices` `# you will see devices list`

How to create a Cordova plugin with plugman and use it in ionic 3 app

I am creating this plugin for two application: `app1` and `app2`. `app1` has `src/shared/` folder and `app2` use same source code from `app1` I will create a cordova plugin, so that I can use this plugin in both app. So, I am creating this cordova plugin in `src/shared/plugins` folder.

Upload image with CarrierWave gem in Rails 5 application

##### 1. Add `gem 'carrierwave'` to Gemfile, and run: `bundle install` ##### 2. Create image uploader with this command: `rails g uploader image`

How to Install Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 (revision: 26.0.2) in Ubuntu CLI

I assume that, you already downloaded android SDK and Configured path in `~/.bashrc` ``` # create missing file, I did this to fix an error $ touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg ```

How to debug ionic app in real android device

run `adb devices` Output: ``` text List of devices attached device ```

How to do Android USB Debugging over wifi in ubuntu 18.04

1. Enable usb debugging in Android. (I am using kitkat) 2. connect phone with usb. In notification you will see: "USb Debugging Connected". 3. Open terminal and run: `adb devices` `# you will see devices list`

How to set keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu 16.04

Open the Activities overview (press `super` or `windows` button to open Activities) and start typing Settings. Click on Settings.
