How to install mysql in ubuntu 18.04 and reset root password

Install mysql server `$ sudo apt update` `$ sudo apt install mysql-server`

How to add swap in Ubuntu 18.04 server

Before You Begin: Check Swap: * $ sudo swapon --show If the output is empty, it means that your system does not have swap space enabled. Check Ram: ` $ free -h `

How to install POGO mp3 player

`$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pogo-dev/stable` `$ sudo apt-get update` `$ sudo apt-get install pogo`

How I installed `nodejs` in Ubuntu 18.04

How to install and remove a local cordova plugin in ionic 3

`ionic cordova plugin add src/shared/plugins/torovinsquareup`

How to create a Cordova plugin with `plugman`

`plugman create --name torovinSquareup --plugin_id cordova-plugin-torovinsquareup --plugin_version 0.0.1`

Access postgress database in Ubuntu CLI

login as `postgres` user $ su - postgres

How to clone and run an old ionic 3 app?

You can run ionic 3 app with `ionic 3` or `ionic 4` CLI. `ionic 3 app do not run with ionic 5 CLI` At first check ionic version: `ionic --version` If the ionic version is not `3` or `4` (in my pc, ionic version is `5.4.9`), `install ionic version 4`

How to add task in Capistrano 3

``` ruby namespace :deploy do desc 'My custom task' task :custom_task do ``` .... ......

Launch Nginx on startup - when nginx is installed with passenger-install-nginx-module

Launch Nginx on startup - when nginx is installed with passenger-install-nginx-module ...... ....... Make the file executable by typing `sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/`.
